The price of a new tennis court from En-Tout-Cas

We provide a range of tennis court surfaces that will meet your requirements - and your budget. Choosing the right surface for you is very important. When advising buyers we take into account their playing standard, age, likely amount of use of the court, and whether the court is to be used solely for tennis or other sports as well.

The prices below are a guide for a complete tennis court with a fence, an average amount of excavation and reasonable access.


PLADEK£55,000 - £65,000 + VAT
SPORTURF£63,000 - £73,000 + VAT
TENNITURF£63,000 - £73,000 + VAT
SAVANNA£64,000 - £74,000 + VAT
OMNICLAY£70,000 - £80,000 + VAT

Tennis court at Belvoir Castle, built by en Tout Cas